What Retreat Leaders and Participants Say....
I am a business owner in Victoria, British Columbia, and operate Juice Feast Retreats in which participants attend a luxurious resort to experience deep transformational healing within themselves. Shayu Talbot is one of the practitioners who has offered her services at these retreats. I am so grateful for her contribution and presence which added a dimension to the retreat that otherwise would be very much missing. I found Shayu on site to be a calm and focused individual who clearly possesses a skill set welcomed wholeheartedly by the participants. Seeing and hearing the positive results from the participants I couldn't recommend her more. I myself have experienced Shayu's massage and I can say personally that my time on the table was otherworldly. Her work offered me a sense of body and mind relaxation that cascaded through the following days of my life. Shayu's respectful and professional approach to this kind of bodywork is notable as one of the most exceptional I have experienced. Shayu is truly engaged and present in the work that she does. Her commitment to having people walk away with both a valuable and powerful experience is evident in the results enjoyed. I am more than looking forward, not only to having another massage by Shayu, but also working with her again on future retreats.
- Tyler Twiss, Juice Feast Retreat Founder, juicefeastnow.com , Partner at Simply Pure Ice & Water Co., simplypurecanada.com
Shayu is a highly skilled Esalen Massage Practitioner. She makes participants feel incredible - they look years younger and radiant after their sessions. They feel nurtured by Shayu and fully grateful for her services. They have said to me, "it's not a massage, it's so much more than that!". Shayu is joyful and fun to be around and would add wonderful energy and professional skill to ANY retreat.
- Jamie Parker, Author of "Best Vegan Recipes", Juice Feasting Retreat Leader, www.juicefeastingnow.com
I have experienced many different forms of bodywork over the years including Deep Tissue, Rolfing, Thai, Active Release, plus many other variations of Eastern and Western techniques. Another bodyworker recommended Shayu. I had no previous knowledge of Esalen Massage so I was curious to try it. From my first session it was the most thorough bodywork treatment I've ever had. There was not one part of my body that got overlooked. An Esalen Massage uses long continuous flowing strokes of pressure, encouraging fluidity and connectedness of the whole body. Shayu uses gentle movements of the joints to help further release tension and tightness, and she gives careful attention to maintain my comfort throughout the sessions. An Esalen Massage never feels rushed, and when I leave I feel as though every part of me got equal attention and feels fully alive. Some types of bodywork use an unbearable amount of pressure to release muscles, but with Esalen Massage there is an easing into the work that promotes deep relaxation with the same end results.
I highly recommend Shayu and Esalen Massage.
- Tiffany Dowling, Certified Pilates Instructor, Meditation & Mindfulness Coach,
My first experience of Esalen Massage with Shayu changed my understanding of massage FOREVER! I felt much greater therapeutic contact with my body during the Esalen Massage compared with the more clinical approaches of typical massage. Shayu used effective techniques that provided optimal strength and access to tricky spots, and an incredibly nurturing environment, right to the closure at the end of the massage. She brought both skills and talents to my massage that provided an experience of safe and loving touch, deep relaxation, and ultimately, renewal. I would return to Shayu for an Esalen Massage before any other kind of massage, hands-down!
- Lisa Dymond, Registered Speech Language Pathologist, www.lisadymond.com
I am 53 and had my first massage ever from Shayu at an organic juicing retreat in Victoria, BC. All the participants that were receiving one of Shayu's massages returned in such a euphoric state that I had to experience one for myself. Shayu is communicative, caring, lovely, and quite simply amazing at what she does. She is strong and can go as deep as you'd like. An aspect of the massage that was unexpected and really wonderful was its long flowing strokes and quality of touch. I can't think of anything that has made me feel more relaxed in my life! After my massage I felt my whole being cared for and revitalized. I feel so grateful for Shayu that she has discovered her art form. She certainly helped me to connect to myself. The whole experience from the moment I entered the room to the moment I floated off the table was something I will never forget. I purchased a Gift Certificate for my husband to experience 90 minutes of pure bliss with Shayu too.
- Diane Morgan
This was therapy at it's best! After only 3 treatments (during the retreat) my "longstanding" problem with my right hip was resolved. Shayu's sensible and straightforward manner, and her vast knowledge of the resources available in Victoria's health community, were helpful. She is a gifted and very thorough practitioner (and I've been to many in my 52 years!). I recommend Shayu's therapy highly.
- Roxana Simons BEd, LLB
I first discovered Shayu's Esalen massage gifts while attending a retreat with Julia Day and Stacy Sully. These are amazing women and when I heard them speak highly of Shayu, I felt prompted to meet her myself. I have now had several sessions with Shayu and my body thanks me every time. In fact, my body asks for Shayu when it needs her presence and heart in working through the many layers of mind, body, and spirit in my healing journey. Shayu has a touch, consciousness, and heart that is very pure and divinely inspired. When I am with her, I can feel the movement of energy and I often sense that she is assisting me to move out all the "old gunk" that I have cleared in the emotional and spiritual work that I do on my own (with God). The last time I saw Shayu, I truly felt that we were releasing a passed away form of myself that I had lived in and carried around for 38 years. Since then, I feel lighter, more pure, and more concentrated on my path of service and mission. Talk about huge moves. Shayu is mighty and it is worth the time and resources spent to share healing space with her.
- Carlie Kilduff, Writer, Speaker, Spoken Word Artist, Author of Heartbeat of Mental Health, www.carliekilduff.com
I received my first Esalen massage from Shayu in late January 2016. I have had many, many massages before, but not an Esalen massage. I had been experiencing fairly severe pain in my right hip/lower back for many months. Sometimes the pain was so intense and the hip was so tight it was difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. Once up I had to walk around a bit to get the hip to loosen up so I could stand up straight and go about my day. Shayu gave me that first massage late in the evening which meant that after the massage I could immediately go to bed. That night I slept like a baby. The next morning I realized the intense pain and the stiffness was completely gone. I can happily say, it has not returned. Up to that time, when I attended a retreat, I had to sit on a folding chair because to use a back jack was just too painful. After that first massage, I have not used a chair again and have been sitting on back jacks with no or very minimal discomfort. I still have an ache in the area once in a while, but never to the degree I experienced prior to that first Esalen massage. Since that time I have had more Esalen massages, (experiencing) healing of an injured shoulder and further lessening of body aches...
I highly recommend... Every time I am in Victoria, I schedule another session with Shayu...
- Ray Dudenbostel, Retired Lawyer, WA, USA